Thanks Balkar,I am just looking for an answer on what it affects when you remove a non-wait step flow step such as create a task? How does that affect people entering the campaign,...
Hi Dan,That answers my question about switching out emails in the send email flow steps. Do you know what it affects when you remove a non-wait step flow step such as create a task...
I found this Delete a Flow Step - Marketo Docs - Product Docs but it does not answer my question about deleting a flow step other than a wait step (for example a create a task flow...
Questions:If I were to remove lets say a create a task flow step in the middle of a flow what does that affect? If I were to swap out emails in send email flow steps in the middle ...
Thanks Skot I am on the same page. We do not include street address on any forms except information update forms. The concern was there because of that fact.
Thanks Greg,We do use both embedded forms and marketo LP forms. We will have to outline all scenarios of how data could become corrupted and develop a plan to prevent that corrupti...
Thanks Skot,I edited my reply. to specify street address instead of address. Could you also do this within Marketo rather than using a salesforce workflow rule?
With regards to mapping back to the sfdc contact address fields (Mailing fields), a concern:Companies typically populate country, state, and postal code (or even less) upon form fi...
Hello All,Background:I am looking for some advice and opinions on what to consider with early stage non-responders. If you are not near your database limit should you just suspend ...