Background:Today sent out an email around 2pm to around 700 email addresses we have an existing business relationship with. Marketo tracks them as delivered, however, there are no ...
I agree Sanford. Do you know what all the different benchmark reports out there use for when they talk about average open rates? Since I don't have a clear understanding of what "O...
I am wondering how average rates calculated with email marketing metrics. I may be just driving myself insane but wanted to clarify.Example:Let's say you sent 3 emails out all time...
I looked them both up prior to posting this. I am getting confused on why EP clicks (“Number of email recipients who clicked a link in the email.”) is different that RCE unique cli...
Background:I can't wrap my head around "unique clicks" in RCE being different that "clicked" metrics in an Email Performance report...Question:Who is right for click email metrics?...
Hi all - Trying to figure out some munchkin tracking issues.Question 1: With one instance of Marketo, is it possible to track activity back to a lead for visits to both of these we...
Hi Dan,Through your set up are you able to detect for instance an SAP order is delivered event inside marketo for a person? Also how are you connecting SAP orders to a person in MS...
Sorry for the late response Greg. Yes the Fedex plugin is an SAP plugin and does mean that the "delivered" event is posted to SAP. Currently there is no connection between SAP and ...
Hi Josh,We use SAP and have a fedex plugin. Can't seem to find something on launchpoint. We basically are looking to trigger an email send when an order has been delivered from wit...