Hello Everyone!I am looking for some good resources on legislation/anti-spam laws/privacy laws surrounding Marketo's functionality (Web Activity Tracking, Sending Emails, everythin...
So what it is looking like to me is this:How you should do it?I should have one email to start with.I should right click that email to create a test group.In order to add an email ...
Ok. I think I have it figured out. Based on Josh's mention about cloning, I pressed the orange Clone button. This cloned that email and placed it in the test group. Now I have one ...
Brent, I have defined champion settings and have tried deleting the test and rebuilding it. It is almost like I have to have more than one challenger...
Hi Josh,It still is not allowing me to approve. No I did not clone the email into the test. How do you go about doing that? I am confused on how this works with two emails.Thanks