So I'm having a smart campaign with at smart list with a trigger "Link clicked in email", and the flow sets a data value to true.. My issue is that from the time i click on the lin...
I found the solution (hurraaay)first i past the token in a hidden span:<span id="form-fname">{{lead.First Name}}</span>then i set the content of the span to a varable in javascript...
Argh... hmm now i tried to fake a pre-filled with default value for a input field to {{Lead.First name}}, but that dosnt work either... maybe i can set the input value to the token...
Native marketo on native marketo LP, but as embedded.It already set on pre-fill... do i need to have the Munchkin tracking code on the landingpage before this works?
HiI have made a mail with a link to a landingpage with a form on. How do i make the form prefilled with all the user data i already have on the known lead? I have enabled Peronaliz...
After a form is submittet and you choose the "Stay on page" option... I want to be able to add a text directly on the forms 'thank you page', you get shown after submittion.Its so ...