HiI need to sent out the same weekly mail to a support/sales team with this weeks sales-goals and how they are doing. The sales-goal and current-reatched goal is on each person as ...
There must be someway to get the numbers out of marketo or salesforce. The dashboards salesforce has is not enought for us, we got at speciael design and some frontend work already...
We got the numbers in SFDC and we are using the dashboards there... Now we want to get the numbers out of Salesforce and onto a homemade dashboard we can show on some televisions i...
Hi, I want to make a dashboard as a landingpage, so I need some numbers from the lead database, how many permission I have or how many with a firstname e.g.So how can I get theise ...
So I'm having a smart campaign with at smart list with a trigger "Link clicked in email", and the flow sets a data value to true.. My issue is that from the time i click on the lin...
I found the solution (hurraaay)first i past the token in a hidden span:<span id="form-fname">{{lead.First Name}}</span>then i set the content of the span to a varable in javascript...