Hi Pamela,It seems that you are correct. According tothis discussion thread, if you do delete an unsubscribed record from your database and they reenter with the same email address...
I think because you are importing that lead with that field being checked, Marketo is not seeing this as a data value change, rather a record being created with those attributes.I ...
Support can send you a report containing date/time of each user login, but I don't believe this includes duration of login.I agree that Marketo should allow admins access to this d...
Unfortunately, using program tags in filters is not possible. There was an idea created today about allowing Marketo users toleverage program tags and channelsfor smart lists and r...
It would be great if we could specify which campaigns the Idle Trigger Cleanup should ignore either at the program or smart campaign level. The process right now that Marketo sugge...
To prevent any lead who is already a member of an engagement program from receiving an email, you will need to specifiy in the filter all active engagement programs you have runnin...
I think I may have misunderstood you. Are you wanting to prevent the email from sending out to all leads who are already members of an engagement program (including the Dealer Enga...
I've done a test of this and it looks like the filter I suggested will work. You may want to recreate this for yourself to ensure the filters you are using are working correctly.Cr...