I want to use the Marketo API to display the content of an email message by providing the email ID.I can retrieve the HTML of the message easily, and display that, but I also want ...
Thanks!Now we are cooking ð§âðģðĻâðģðĐâðģI was getting hung up on the validation error, because I was editing the HTML of a test email when testing the <script> tag and not the HTM...
Perhaps we are communicating about different types of Marketo templates, or we are using a different version of Marketo.When editing the HTML of an email template, adding a<script>...
Can you elaborate on how this demo was created?Adding a <script> tag anywhere in an existing email template results in the error I listed previously, and the HTML will not validate...
I think one concern using css or html styles that aren't inline on the <a> is consistency across email clients that might ignore the separate css defined in the <style> tags, but i...
In the context of Marketo Designer, the result of adding javascript, either inline or with an external file, results in the error:"Marketo does not allow javascript or script tags ...
I was thinking of even building a Chrome extension and Firefox plugin to solve for this.Does Marketo have its own JS interface for working with email template HTML?If so, it isn't ...
When creating Marketo email templates for non-developers to use, we need to rely on them not needing to click the "Edit HTML" button to correct a color or style, and it would be pr...
What is going on here? The "New Experience" still has a broken search feature where searching for "joe" returns joe123.jpg, but not 123joe.jpg.
This oversight is almost unbelievabl...