Hi Hank,Marketo recently deployed the ability to create custom objects. This would, by far, be your best bet to get data from surveys (multiple surveys per lead possible) into the ...
Hi Jakub,When someone visits a real page about your products, the Munchkin code creates a fake entry into the activity log.The real page will be for www.x.com/product1 and have no ...
Hi Jennifer, Sarah,The way Marketo's database is built up is on what's called 1-to-1 relationships.A lead has 1 first name, 1 last name, 1 primary phone and 1 secondary phone numbe...
Hi Greg,Can you or the webmaster expand a little on 'conflicts'? Are they rendering issues, does the form break the website, does the form not render at all?
Hi Jakub,At my previous company we used Munchkin to create a new page on certain locations on the website. Assuming you tag your pages with the products or businessline in your CMS...
Hi Benjamin,Take a look at combining Snippets and Tokens.Your Snippet could load in a block for the hero image. With a {{my.hero-image}} token you could then populate the hero imag...
Hi Kellie,Please don't export and import these lists. The native sync between Marketo and Salesforce has already run and the lead are already in your event program.You've set up ev...
Hi Christine,The first cast date is not linked to the cadence in any way.You could set the cadence to every week on Monday and have the first cast be on a Friday. This first cast w...
Hi Vlada,Segmentations allow you to display different types of content to people belonging in different segments.Let's assume you have a database field called 'Product Name'. A lea...