Hi Horst,There is no out-of-the-box functionality to count occurences across multiple leads.As a happy coincidence I was doing some reasearch on this topic this morning. Check out ...
Hi Anu,Why not run a report on either Email Performance or Engagement Stream Performance?This will show you the stats over all emails. You can narrow it down any way you want throu...
Hi Sarah,For emails you'd best grab an email testing program. Both www.litmus.com and www.emailonacid.com work.You can send them your emails or upload them yourself and they will a...
Hi Prabash,As you might have expected it's impossible to trigger off of behavior NOT done.What CAN do is setup a Smart List triggering off the email being delivered. In the Flow St...
Hey guys,For the second time in a short while now I've run into some trouble where the changes I make to an Email Template won't take effect and Marketo keeps sending out the old v...
Hi,Funny coincidence, I was just reading this blog by Jeff Coveney (Common Marketo and Salesforce Sync Pitfalls ).There is a wealth of benefits from connecting Marketo to Salesforc...
Hi Leora,The Marketing Calendar works with licenses that are issued from the Admin Section. Select one of your users and 'Issue License'. After logging out and in again you should ...
Hi Anil,Can you give a use case why you would want to find a lead by the ID?There's no way to search for a lead by ID because in practice this never happens. Leads have attributes ...