Hi Malik Zafar,Trust you are doing great! Just wanted to circle back and check if the above answer could address your query. Please let me know in case you require any further deta...
Hi Malik Zafar,Yes. They are being discontinued. Although folks who are specialized in the respective areas, will still continue to be recognized! So its a great opportunity to co...
Absolutely! Totally agree. There were quite a few questions related to acquisition program and basic reporting. In fact preparing for the reporting part not only helped me in my MC...
While I was preparing for my Certification, this - ( Tips for the New MCE (Marketo Certified Expert) Exam ) study aid was very helpful as well and really helped me cover all the to...
Hi Adam Blinzler ,I also noticed the change some time back. The option to switch from classic to sky and Vice versa, both have been updated. So yes, you can switch back and forth f...