Hey Sarah,SFDC has had some DNS issues for force.com resulting in some users seeing errors like this. If this persists you should contact SFDC support, but last I heard the issue h...
Hey Colleen, What may be happening is that you've put a custom email address into the second field in the flow step. This field can only accept 3 values, "None" "Lead Owner" and ...
Hey Liat,You can use the "Original Referrer" filter to see if there were specific UTM parameters in the URL when the lead first visited your page. Typically you would use "Contains...
Hey Keith,When a lead is deleted from SFDC but not Marketo, two things occur. First a "Delete Lead from SFDC" action is logged and second, the field "SFDC is Deleted" is set to tru...
In the landing page editor, you need to drag editable elements from the right hand pallette to modify content. For example, if you want to add a text section to a particular part o...
Hey Michael,In addition to wat Josh noted, you may need to flush your local DNS at the router level. You can see if the CNAME entry is currently available by opening up a local com...
Hey Tim,The Marketo-SFDC sync performs changes based on the SFDC ID of a record, so if Email Address is changed on one side, it will be changed on the either. This should not affec...