Hey Jono,You can set the followup page with in the 1>Settings page. At the bottom there'sa section called Thank you Page and a field called Follow Up With.
Hey Melissa, It's pretty simple to create a generic sales alert. The campaign would look something like this: Smart List: Clicked Link in Email Email is Any Flow: Send Alert 'Cli...
Hey Richard,If this is an external page, you're probably prepending the URL with 'http://'. Visits Web Page require that the protocol be removed fom the beginning of the URL so ins...
You should probably log a support ticket in that case so that we can take a closer look at this. Please include the name of the SFDC Campaign and a rough timestamp of when you adde...
Hey Amber,Were any changes made to your Sync User's profile permissions? If so, this could have resulted in the campaign member object becoming invisible to the sync user an not be...
Hey Melissa,You can use campaign-context specific tokens for this purpose. For example, if you have a trigger campaign with Clicks link in email, the result Sales Alert email can i...
Hey Katie,Multi-touch attribution is determined by a lead/contact reaching a success program status in between the Created date of the Opportunity, and the close date of the opport...