Hi Beth,This usually means the whatever is in the reply-to field is not a valid email address. Most commonly this is when a token is used as the reply-to, and the record to which i...
Hey Adrian,There are some circuitous ways to implement this, but I think the easiest way to do this wouldjust be to create a new score field, called something like event score. Set...
Hey Danny,Check out example 2 here:http://developers.marketo.com/documentation/websites/forms-2-0/What you'll want to do is grab the querystring before changing location.href like ...
Hi Tim,In the editor, you need to select the element which you want to edit, either by clicking on it, or selecting from the right hand list, and then open the property sheet and c...
Hi Takehiro,It sounds like you're trying to call Schedule Campaign on a Triggered Campaign. If a campaign has a trigger in the smart list, it is a trigger camapign and can't be sch...
Hi Job,The list id is in the URL of the static list, https://app-****.marketo.com/#ST1001A1 In this example, 1001 is the ID. ST is the prefix for static lists, and A1 is the subpag...
Hey Dory,Assuming that I'm interpreting this correctly, you would want to create a segment that only triggers on navigation to a specific page(s). To do this, go to your segments a...