Hi JD,The onSubmit event is part of the onclick submission, so you need to generate the window during the onSubmit event and then set the URL during onSuccess:<script>MktoForms2.wh...
Aradhana, It doesn't look like you're checking for nested statuses in the result array to determine the outcome of individual lead inputs. Here is an example of an upsert operation...
As others have noted, marketo does not do a native prefill on non-marketo pages. I did write this dev blog post some time ago regarding the client-side implementation of prefill us...
Hi Puvrika,The simplest way would be to go and fill out a marketo form, then visit a tracked page on your site. Go into your marketo instance and check your lead's activity record ...
Hi Naomi,I'm curious what your intent is here? Do you want to prevent the lead from viewing the video if the lead is unknown, or do you want to force the lead to fill out the form ...
This actually is not true, fields created on the Marketo side have user-defined API names, and do not have an automatically appended suffix. Fields with __c appended were likely cr...
Hi Vishnu,Josh is correct that your form fillouts should not be generating duplicate records under normal configurations.Regarding your second concern, the 1003 code, this is often...