I typically default to recommending synching all Marketo leads as it is simple and maintainable. For your situation it sounds like this would be the best case relying on Queues own...
On Form Fillout, acquisition program is set based on the landing page where the form was filled out. Since your WP page is not a Marketo LP, it cannot attribute a program to it, so...
If you're only pulling lead data, then you won't really need a schema, you can just use the Describe Lead call to get the full list of fields for the Lead object. As far as daily o...
It looks like this might be due to IE's handling of the font and not explicitly due to the template itself. It's larger in IE. I don't know enough about rendering non-roman charact...
The Leads column grand total in link performance corresponds to the Clicked in Email performance for each email:Clicks - Number of total clicks which have been made on the linkLead...
In Email Performance, Clicked is the number of leads who have clicked at least one link in the email. Email link performance breaks out the performance for individual links.