Well regarding #2, this is half-correct. You can enable your sales email activities to sync up to salesforce in your sync options: Customize Activities Sync - Marketo Docs - Produc...
The primary thing that you will need to do is create a new role and set of field-level security permissions for your sync user: Step 2 of 3: Create a Salesforce User for Marketo (E...
There's likely some conflicting javascript on your page causing an error during the click or the submission. If you share a link where you're seeing this, we may be able to help yo...
This is not correct. IE9 is no longer supported for using the Marketo application, but is fully supported for user-facing content like landing pages and forms. Have you actually se...
The entity which you've synched will have a corresponding Has <Custom Entity> filter created, as well as a trigger if enabled, Added to <Custom Entity>. The fields for those entiti...
Date of activity doesn't really make sense with a trigger, unless it's in conjunction with the minimum number of times constraint. Who are you trying to qualify in your campaign?