FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION is thrown by field validation rules in SFDC. It isn't possible to see what caused this from the Marketo side. I would start by looking for rules o...
Yes, just create a new score field for your other score: Create a Custom Field in Marketo - Marketo Docs - Product Docs Once you have the field you can set up any relevant scoring...
My advice would be to avoid the use of iframed forms. They are generally more difficult to make look nice, and offer nothing over the standard form embed code other than form prefi...
Instead of the fills out form trigger, you should use a Data Value Changes trigger, Attribute: <your field>, Source Type: Web Form Fillout. This will make the campaign only trigger...
This can sometimes happen when employees fill out a form with company name on it, and it changes the name for the other employees associated to the account. Blocking the field from...
Hi Jeff,There is no explicit way to do this via SOAP. You could getLeadActivity or getLeadChanges to retrieve the Change Status in Progression activity. This will get you a list of...
Could you post an example image of one of the filters you're trying to identify that particular opportunity with?Regarding your question about views, order fields cannot be include...
Agreed, if non-temporary persistence is needed, then it might not be the best choice. A micro redis instance can probably suffice for any short-term caching, such as the access tok...