Strictly speaking, option 1 should be (minutely) faster if the value is the same, option two a bit slower if the value ends up changed. Both will query the value to see if a change...
The typical flow is not to update the email asset itself, but to use a My Token instead of having embedded content. You then pass your syndicated content in as a replacement my tok...
Sanford's answer isn't correct, for uncookied leads, the cookie will be created during submission. You can delete it during the success handler as you indicated.
The content of a token that you submit via requestCampaign should not expire, so if the content of your tokens was valid, then they should have been included in the emails sent. I'...
I responded over on StackOverflow: Call Marketo API using javascript only - Stack Overflow There are probably other options depending on what exactly you're trying to accomplish.
The server-side timeout for syncLead is 90 seconds, so that would leave you in better shape. If you still have issues with timeouts then, you'll want to reduce your batch size.
So I think what's happening here is that RCE is aware of the dataset and is aggregating based on the number of leads which have had a click, while excel isn't aware and it's just s...
Access Denied does not indicate an invalid token, it means that the user associated to your service does not have sufficient permissions to undertake the action designated. To acce...