Hi Colby,To do this, you'll just need to create a smart list with any activities which you want to consider as a Touch, like Email was Sent, Filled Out Form...etc. and set each ass...
Hey Vikki,The program types exist to accomodate specialized behaviors, so the Program type is a result of features provided and is not a customizable option. Events have a time fra...
Hi Jamuna,Formula fields do not update the symstemModStamp on an SFDC record when the caldulated value changes, so Marketo does not know to retrieve updates from these records. To ...
Hi AJ,611 is any unhandled exception:http://developers.marketo.com/documentation/rest/error-codes/ Could you provide you're request format so we can see what might be wrong with it...
As Erik Said, this is fairly easy. Apply thos script to your page:<script>MktoForms2.whenReady( function(form){form.addHiddenFields({"_mkt_trk":""});form.onSubmit( function(form){f...
Here is a more complete explanation that I posted in another thread:It's likely that the Record Type ID is not a valid record type for the particular object which is being synched....
Well you need Munchkin to initialize and pass the MunchkinId and wsInfo arguments into the function in order for the munchkinFunction to call to the correct URL.
Hey Christina,The purpose of the transition rule is to set-up triggers for inbound movement into the stream, not outbound movement. Essentially you're trying to define a set of con...