The only thing I could think of is if you're using MME and sent a push notification to the user's phone. Other than that, there's no native functionality for sending SMS or MMS, th...
I responded on StackOverflow as well, but could you provide what exactly you're posting? You can just add some debug statements inside the postData for $url and $this->content? Ple...
Does the client have workspaces and partitions enabled for their subscription? If so, your API user may be missing an appropriate role in the desired workspace. Do you have any of ...
My guess would be your getting packets dropped at the load-balancer, your test is running through 700 update requests in basically however fast your machine can accomplish it. If y...
If you see this again, I would file a support ticket with details about the calls you're making. Unless the instance is reciving many different calls simultaneously, the endpoint s...