I think maybe you're URL isn't incorrect. It doesn't look like the 605 can be thrown at any point if the method is actually invoked. Can you share the full URL/Headers/Body that yo...
Well, this is a separate endpoint. I'm not sure why the error is incorrect, but status is a member at the top-level of the JSON body, not in each individual lead, which is likely w...
You can use the Member of Smart List choice to get around this. It allows you to set up complex filters when you need them for choices, with whatever constraints you need.
There appears to be some custom script embedded which is failing when mktoPrefillFields is undefined, as when someone visits a landing page as an unknown lead. The variable isn't b...
From the looks of it this shouldn't be possible to return for any of the LPT APIs. Could you share your request/response? Feel free to redact it as necessary.
Has Opportunity returns a list leads who have a contact role in an opportunity, not a list of opportunities, so the results will be very different from and SFDC opportunity report....
If you have this mapped to a contact field, the value will only appear when it is a shared option for both the lead and contact picklists. I'd check there first.
I'd try doing a hard refresh in your browser, using ctrl+f5 (windows) or cmd+shift+r (mac). If that doesn't cause it to show in your tree, I'd file a support ticket, as there could...
You might check which character encoding you're using in Dreamweaver. That's characteristic of a text editor interpreting one character set as another. Try switching to UTF-8