Thanks, Eric!Was there any discussion from the product team about the progress and timing of your much lauded (by the community) Forms 2.0 idea? I just reviewed the slides and don'...
Hi Greg,You're welcome. Note that we also had to use some jQuery in some landing pages to update the hiddenretURL and returnLPId values. That's a small point, but keeps the user on...
Hi Gregoire,You can use landing pages on multiple domains. We do this.We have and and We use landing pages on all three domains. This is...
Here's a suggested tweet we can all use:"Hey@marketomarketers are not jQuery programmers. Customers want modern, easy, mobile forms (Forms 2.0). You listening?#fixmktoforms"Maybe w...
Wow!People are electing to use WS/SOAP over Marketo forms (!!).Is anyone from Marketo product management getting boxed about the ears for this? Holy mother of all #fails.Yikes.I do...
Gregoire,You are echoing the sentiments of many on this list. The entire point of a Marketing Automation system is to empower non-technical staff to deliver sophisticated, high val...
@Ben RJust saw your question. You can modify specific labels in the form using jQuery as long as those labels have unique text in them that you can reference. With jQuery you can f...
I think we should form a picket line in front of the Marketo Summit in April and all march around with signs saying "We demand Forms 2.0". 🙂The fact that they can't add some simpl...