@NihalHow many suspended email notifications do you have?If a lot then most likely a common problem, no quick fix but as@Vinay_Kumar lists above you need to investigate to get to t...
@CharlieKainos2I'd be interested in see Marketo case studies using Power Automate.I did a few tests in my Sandbox but didn't get them into production, so would be keen to see some ...
@AMDH for my 2 penceThere has been a lot of BOT chat in various communities, and the general consensus is that it’shelpful, butit’snot foolproof.If more than 10+ emails opened in l...
@KristofThe Architect exam recently changed. Previously you did a presentation which was your own personal subject expertise. The latest exam is multiple choice.The reason for not ...
For some guidance, here are some example questions and topics you can ask these experts about. Remember, if you're curious about ANY of these, don't hesitate to ask them during or ...
Will you be working in a new Marketo instance in 2024?Then thisCoffee Break 18th January - Inheriting a Marketo Instance as a Marketo Admin, can help you align you thoughts, plans,...
Will you be working in a new Marketo instance in 2024?Then thisCoffee Break 18th January - Inheriting a Marketo Instance as a Marketo Admin, can help you align you thoughts, plans,...
As @Ruchi_Lapran1pointed out you can look at the Summary of the email program. Sometimes 'created by' may use a shared inbox such as an agency, so not possible to find a single per...
@trevlarrr as@Christiane_Rodesays do you need an instant sync based email clicks?Could you prioritise your batch sync say every 15 minutes or 1 hour or daily depending on the conte...
@MarianaFor marketing you want the first & only acquisition program associated with a lead - how and when did you capture the details/consent of new people coming into your databas...