@Benjincas@Jo_Pitts1 it depends where your records are situated.If both records are in Marketo then could look at the records Activity Logs and see which has the most relevant deta...
@michellechopin Love your Friday questions, your should continue these weekly !This is exactly what the Community is about and Sandy got back to you in a flash - assume he is on th...
@SY94What kind of detail in a report are you looking for?Landing page, forms, CTA that attract the most BOT activity?You can see the total number of BOT activities identified.
his @jchris I think this idea could have merit.As I have been making more dynamic content emails ( multiple languages mostly) I too am looking at alternative option for reviewers.F...
@EndritDo you have a Customer Relation Manager at 6Sense?They should have an onboarding/support team to help if the Marketo integration notes need more explaining.Usually the integ...
I like the reference to TAX and how you can unclog and speed up your instance with the Batch instead of Trigger campaigns.I tend to run these around midnight GMT so minimum impact ...
@michellechopingreat to see all resources and links in one post, thanks,My advice for anyone preparing for the exam is to review the links above, see how the subjects are worked in...
I have signed up and will pass on to my new hire next month, will be interesting to see a fresh pair on eyes on an existing instance.Plenty of checklists and resources to use to re...