Hi Nancy,When connect multiple CNAMEs/domains to one instance of marketo (i.ecname.domain1.com and cname.domain2.com) - the pages you create are always automatically linked to ALL ...
Hi Guys!I've now been following-up on the Outlook add-in for 2013 for quite some time (as have my clients!) and thelack of support has become quite a problem.Are there any alternat...
Hi Grace,Could you please provide a little more information - do you have any live pages we can use as an example of how complicated the sessions selection is?The reason I ask is b...
Hi Amanda,In my organisation we ran into an issue similar to this. It was sporadic and didn't seem to affect all emails but was not limited to our marketo emails either. It occasio...
Hi John,I have had to set up multiple domains in the past and the approach I took was to create multiple Cnames. I'd love to know if there is a more elegant approach though!There a...
Hi Gerko,Thank you for this!Is there any chance you could add some comments - just to make sure I'm understanding the code correctly?Warm regards,Nora Slattery
I agree with all of the above:- Do some tutorials- Attend the user groups...Then dive straight in! Organise some test campaigns to built up confidence and keep the community pages ...
Hi Janet,Marketo has an inbuilt spam protector and I cannot say I've seen any sort of dramatic increase recently. The best recommendation if you are suffering from a persistant spa...