Hi Spencer,If you are still looking for a response here - you may wish to look into the functionality of a People Performance report. People Performance Report - Marketo Docs - Pro...
Hi Dierre,In addition to Danny's comment above - I've had to do exactly what you're looking for many times and found this article really helpful:http://community.marketo.com/Market...
I saw this ideahttp://community.marketo.com/MarketoIdeaDetail?id=08750000000IxG2AAKand it made me laugh. It made me wonder if Marketo had any funky little easter eggs or in jokes?
Hi Guys!I'm interested in some Aha moments and examples of Marketing and Sales working together to achieve awesomeness in Marketo.One example we have is a sales team member who ask...
I've been through the process and found the downloadable at the bottom this article really helpful -http://community.marketo.com/MarketoArticle?id=kA050000000L98ACASIn my organatio...
Hi Charlie,This is a difficult one. Are you able to tell me what you are currently doing?The "generic" things that come to mind are:- Make sure you keep follow-us links in your ema...