Thanks Sanford, could you provide some insight on how you would bucket?? All the processes I've thought through have their flaws that worry me. Thanks!
I'm looking to send out the same email to my whole database but only to 1000 people at a time. Let it run every day until the full database is covered. Any suggestions?
I like this option! My only concern is what if I sent multiple status for MT attribution, how would that work? Is there a way to attribute them to multiple status?
We have a new initiative where we send one-off swag bag/video mailers/etc. to prospective clients and want to roll them all into a specific campaign and attribute to that said camp...
Hi All - Not sure what the best way to handle this project, hoping you all can help! I am looking to send out 4 different emails to a group of people.. a person can be disqualified...