hi guys
we started sending a lot of data with form submissions.
if you go to database, select a lead, then choose a form submission and look at the activity detail:
Is it someho...
hi guys
we get leads with for example
is there a marketo integrated way to ping and remove leads that have invalid email addresses?
it seems to work fine if I use a different browser
for example I just ran a test with opera, seems to pass and load the script
Why opera, well, they have an integrated vpn. It wor...
is there anything that works?
if I use a different virtual host, doesn't work either
If I directly access the URL of the script e.g.
what would you recommend? create a virtual host of the prod domain for local dev?
e.g. myproductivedomain.com as entry in my hosts file for dev environment?
we have, somewhat customized marketo forms that we use via the javascript api.
now the code stopped working in local dev environment, I suspect it is related to this call: