One thing you can do is use a service like reachforce and then you do not have to ask for state. They will try to find the correct location for you. There are several services like...
I agree with Bentacular. It will send it based on the timezone you have set up in your preferences. It will go out basically all at the same time so yes 10 Central, 9 Mountain, 8 P...
The poll functionality is not available to everyone. I believe it is a part of the social media add on. Here is a link to it:
I believe segements are like the different groups you are targetting and the snippets are the content you are using for each of those different groups. So if it was based on geogra...
You might check out a few Launchpoint partners. I think you cannot use the marketo form for ecommerce, but you can integrate your ecommerce system into marketo. Here is one cart yo...