Mahurrinah Sims, I've done the same thing as Veronica... One of my clients had a standing rule to set up a template Email Program or a Default Program with a Smart Campaign that h...
Ha, Sanford Whiteman! I'm in awe of a lot of the things that you come up with on here! I do get your point about a third party app being able to do this though... Do you think th...
Hi Srinivasan Mohan, Greg's right about the email's HTML code is compiled at the time that the send is made. So using dynamic content or a token wouldn't work for what you're desc...
Hi Leticia DoPrado, I can appreciate the frustration here... I've heard this from more than one group as they were coming on board with Marketo. It's definitely a different paradi...
This is what I was going to recommend as well, Jeremy Foote. If you haven't used Campaign Inspector before, it's located in the second tab on your root folder in the Marketing Act...
Really impressed with the thoroughness of your post here Gregoire Michel. I may have missed it, but adding in functionality to sync SFDC Person Accounts would be a helpful additio...
This is really concise, helpful information Juli James! I especially like that first tip about documenting your channel statuses. Looking forward to reading that e-book once it co...
HI Prakash Mohandas,I think that if you give this code a try instead of your standard Marketo embed form, that should redirect to the landing page you're talking about here:<scrip...
Before you go into the process of Partitions, I would recommend that you confirm that you won't have a Person who needs to be in two different partitions. Partitions allow you to s...