Is it possible to hit an form endpoint to submit the form? I was trying to do that using following URL:
Thanks Josh for your reply. I had a quick chat with Marketo professional services as well.. they said either you can move to a new instance or delete these manually. Moving to a ne...
For the record keeping, you can clone the existing email and in description put a comment on the date when you de commissioned that email version and modify that thereafter. I gues...
No direct out of the box way for the existing members. For new members, you can create a triggered smart campaign and use system date time token to update the field.For existing le...
Is there any specific reason why you have to create the new emails every time? Can't you update the new content in the existing email itself?There must be ways with the modular des...
I would suggest following:two <div> containers with specific IDs for each language content. Meaning the whole content will appear twice in different languages. A button/drop down t...
Hi Robert Bethell,Marketo does not allow you to Change owner using "Change Data Value" flow action. You can change owner only by using "Change Owner" flow step. So there is no dir...
By decommission, you mean unapprove or do you want those to be redirected to some other link?I was also trying to do something similar recently. The only way i found is to use the ...