Hey everyone,
I had a client express interest in implementing an opt out consent policy in their Marketo instance, allowing the user to select what preferences they DONT want to s...
Hey Dave,
I think you are right about this! Not only is the ButtonLabel variable in an editable text area, but the ImageURL and ButtonURL variables are also in an editable text ar...
Hi Disha,
Here is the source code at the LP level:
<div><br /></div>
<div>Ahora que está un año más cerca de la jubilación, es...
Hey Sanford,
I took out themktomodulescope from the global variable but I am still seeing the same issue. Additionally, the preview between the LP template in the Design Studio (s...
Hey Jo,
Thanks for the suggestion! Unfortunately, all that did was make the button label the same case, and the global variable code is still visible in the button. See screenshot...