Thank you for your response.
Essentially - I am attempting to retrieve activity data from Marketo (hence the activity type ids). I am backdating this data back to 2022 and essenti...
I'm utilizing the Get Lead Activies access point and am receiving variations of the data versus the Marketo UI views. Below is some of my code - I am incrementing by 15 days at a t...
Is there a way to extract the scheduled run date for a campaign via the official Python SDK for the Marketo Rest API? I see createdAt and updatedAt but those do not match the Sched...
Utilizing the Marketo API - I have been attempting to upload program members via the bulk method. This seems to fail 30% of the time with not all members uploading to a specific pr...
I am looking to see if there is a way to create a custom URL for each individual lead that is in a campaign. We have PartnerRef codes to webinars (for tracking) but could s...
Not really sure what I am doing wrong but my Bulk Member Import is failing. This is a bulk import on a Webinar with the following status options (Invited, Waitlisted, Registered, N...