Hello! As the subject line reads, I have been trying to get a total count for all unsubscribed in the market DB. The unsubscribed is a boolean, and also due to the business require...
Hello all, I understand there are no API endpoints available to get the total people to count for Smart-lists. I was wondering if anyone has found a workaround for this. I am more ...
Hi There have you seen this link:https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/marketo/using/product-docs/email-marketing/general/functions-in-the-editor/disable-tracking-for-an-email...
It would be inside the <Script src=""> please also seehttps://nation.marketo.com/t5/product-discussions/best-way-to-add-a-script-in-a-guided-landing-page/td-p/121428