Good information. I generally set my wait step in my webinars to ~ 2 minutes to be safe. I have heard that one minute is adequate.
With WebEx webinars (what we use), I have also found some uses for the "redirect page" that you have to use to avoid having the registrant go to the generic WebEx page, such as embedding video as an example.
I have to agree with Amber Hobson on the Tokens thing. I've recently downloaded all of's responsive templates and am replacing their content with tokens. As a result, I was able to spin up emails for a new engagement program in about an hour without getting sucks into an approval black hole. I'm starting to do the same with a few of our landing page templates.
I've also realized how important a naming convention is, and why ensuring that convention includes the campaign date. I used to have to sort through any number of campaigns to select the one I wanted in a drop-down list, but now I just search for the date I planned to send. So much easier
I just checked them out. I think the best part of Knak's landing page templates is that they're all named after characters from HBO's "Silicon Valley."
Thanks for sharing! I've been having some trouble getting Edward Unthank's responsive templates to display properly in Internet Explorer (still working on it to leverage the !Universal Token concept he's pioneered), so these may be really helpful as well!
Joe, did you end up setting up the universal tokens? I've been using them with pretty good success so far - I'd be interested in hearing your experience!
I did, indeed. It's really streamlined my team's workflow with building out new content programs. I wrote this guide for my team to reference, but you might find parts of it interesting/useful.
Thank you Joe - you are a rockstar!
Wow, thanx for sharing Joe, you really do rock! I took a quick look and your set-up is like a beacon for where I eventually want to get to!
Fake it till you make it
Thank you for sharing Joe. This is great.
Naming conventions are also great! I forgot about that, but now that we've added dates and then short abbreviations for channels, it makes everything so much easier and clean!