Will Click link in email capture both click links and web page visit

Level 2

Will Click link in email capture both click links and web page visit

If a person click a link in email which is directed to one webpage into our website, 


Will  following action capture in his activity log?

1- click link in email activity 

2- visited web page



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Will Click link in email capture both click links and web page visit

If the link is tracked and you have Munchkin running on the target site, you'll get both types of activity, yes.


Click Link is logged if the link is tracked (the default) because the link is rewritten to bounce off the tracking server.


Visit Web Page is logged by the Munchkin JS library after the person loads the page.



Level 2

Re: Will Click link in email capture both click links and web page visit

Earlier, I also think the same but after fetching different email campaign reports I got to know that these are two different activities, and backend processes for getting both these activities on Marketo are different.


For Click Activity:
- The links in an email are wrapped by Marketo with a special tracking code.
- When a recipient clicks on one of those links, the Marketo servers are informed about the click, and then the tracking code(mkt_tok=unique code) generated gets attached to the URL.
- Then Click Email event is logged to the recipient's activity log.


For Visit Activity:

Marketo provides a seprate Munchkin Code for non-Marketo web pages and for Marketo web pages Munchkin Code is attached by default.


That Munchkin Code is to do the following on page load:
1. Check to see if the current browser has a Munchkin cookie and create one if it is not there.
2. Send a “Visit Web Page” event to the designated Marketo instance using the information from the current page and browser.
3. This records activity to the corresponding record in Marketo.


So by clicking the link in the email will not capture both, it will capture only click activity.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Will Click link in email capture both click links and web page visit

Clicking the link in a JS-enabled browser results in automatically redirecting to the target page.

So, as I said, if Munchkin is running on the target page, the 1 act of clicking the link results in 2 different activities in the log.

Those 2 activities are of course logged by different modules.