We have a Zendesk support / community site. We want to track visits to the site, and to pages within the site. Accordingly, we inserted the async munchkin code on the site, and it is creating the _mkto_trk cookie. However, because the site has a different URL, it is associated to the domain of the support site and is not being associated with the person activity record.
Reading here, and from past experience when changing domain name (which is not what we are doing here, we are adding an additional tracked domain), we created an email with a tracked link that goes to the Zendesk site, so that clicking through from the email would associate the cookie with the Marketo record, but this hasn't worked. In fact, no tracking info from the support site is appearing, not even anonymous data in the anonymous page activity report.
Munchkin code is here:
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
var didInit = false;
function initMunchkin() {
if(didInit === false) {
didInit = true;
var s = document.createElement('script');
s.type = 'text/javascript';
s.async = true;
s.src = '//munchkin.marketo.net/munchkin.js';
s. = function() {
if (this.readyState == 'complete' || this.readyState == 'loaded') {
s. initMunchkin;
We already have two tracked domains, www.owlstonemedical.com and www.owlstoneinc.com and need to add support.owlstonenanotech.com to this list. I thought that by adding the munchkin code to the site, this would be achieved, but as I say the page visits are not showing up, although support.owlstonenanotech.com/<various pages> show up in the typedown for Visited Web Page filter.
I have not added a CNAME because we have no need to brand landing pages with the support domain.
There are no Marketo forms (or requirement for same at this stage) on the Zendesk site.
In API configuration, Munchkin API is disabled, it doesn't appear that we need this for tracking visits to our other sites so I don't know why would need it to be enabled now?
Sanford Whiteman Grégoire Michel Any idea what I am doing wrong? I don't have access to development resources to put in any custom coding but I didn't thing it should be necessary here.
Thanks -
Solved! Go to Solution.
Where do you believe you've added the Munchkin embed code on, for example, support.owlstonenanotech.com/hc/en-us? I don't see Munchkin on that page at all, and accordingly it's not sending hits.
I'm checking with the people responsible, but I do get a cookie when I click on this link in my email:
Topics – Owlstone Support Website
(I've removed the tracking tokens from the email link, but the above is the URL).
See screenshot here:
I think you are right, though. If I delete the cookie and navigate around the site, it doesn't reappear.
Having checked with the team, it appears that an agency working on the site theme may have deleted the munchkin code. I have gained access to and browsed through the CMS and can't find any munchkin code. Thanks for checking - I was led astray by seeing the cookie in the screenshot above, which I guess came from the email link?
No, clicking the link doesn't set a cookie.
There probably was Munchkin on the site at one time, but it's not there now.