When Converting Leads to SFDC Contacts, we are losing "Last Interesting Moment Desc" -- anyone experienced this?
I have the Interesting Moment fields mapped from Lead > Contact in SFDC -- Marketo rules for all merges state: "When merging a lead with an empty field with another who has a value for that field, the merged lead will have a value in that field."
Re: When Converting Leads to SFDC Contacts, we are losing "Last Interesting Moment Desc" -- anyone experienced this?
Make sure your last interesting moment Lead fields are mapped to the last interesting moment contact fields in your leads custom field mapping. Contact your SFDC adminsitrator if you are not it.
Re: When Converting Leads to SFDC Contacts, we are losing "Last Interesting Moment Desc" -- anyone experienced this?
Yes. I have done this and re-checked the mapping twice in recent months. I need to document a specifc occurence and get it into a Support ticket, I suppose.