Re: What happens to a lead record when another person completes a form-fill on a previously cookied browser or a user updates their email address?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

What happens to a lead record when another person completes a form-fill on a previously cookied browser or a user updates their email address?

I have two similar scenarios that I need help with:

1) Let's say I'm in the office and I'm a known user on a website that has the Munchkin code on it (and my browser has been cookied).  My colleague comes along and uses my computer to to access gated content on the same site and filling out a form with his contact details.  Will I now be identified as my colleage or will a new lead record be created?

2) If we offer the ability for a user to keep their contact info up-to-date using a Marketo form, will Marketo update all fields in their lead record upon submission of the form (including email address)?  Or will Marketo create a new lead record?

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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: What happens to a lead record when another person completes a form-fill on a previously cookied browser or a user updates their email address?

1. New Record is Created and Cookie is associated to record.

2. It will create a new record if they have a new email address. You can get around that with some jquery.
Level 2

Re: What happens to a lead record when another person completes a form-fill on a previously cookied browser or a user updates their email address?

@Dan if your colleague changes the email address on the form it will create a new lead with his information from the form submission. If he then leaves the computer and you come back without clearing the cookies all of your web and email activity will be logged under your colleagues record and not your own.

In the second scenario a new lead record would be created. As I understand it Marketo can only dedupe records based on email address. So if a user comes to your site and updates their email from to a brand new lead record would be created. We have found this to be a problem in our instance especially in cases where we collect a known lead or contacts email at a tradeshow but have it listed differently in our database and are creating unecessary dupes. Good news is there are plenty of vendors out there in Launchpoint that offer more sophisticated de-duping technologies by more than just email address.
Not applicable

Re: What happens to a lead record when another person completes a form-fill on a previously cookied browser or a user updates their email address?

Regarding scenario #1:
It's my understanding that as long as the email address is different Marketo will create another lead, regardless if you use the same cookied computer.

Regarding #2:
I just tested this because I was curious. My first pass, I put and then I went back in and used (I was cookied from the first submission). I used the same company name, a variation on first name, and a different email address as shown above. Marketo created a new lead. 
When I updated the phone number and used the same email address, it just updated the record. 

Bottom line - they have to use the same email address for the info to just update and not submit as a net new lead.

I hope this helps!