What does it mean when there is no campaign associated with activity

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What does it mean when there is no campaign associated with activity

Hi All,

I am trying to trouble shoot anomalies within the instance. There are multiple occasions where there is no campaign associated with an activity.


My instinct is telling me that people are sharing emails or filling out forms on behalf of other people and lead records are becoming merged and the wrong lead  receives incorrect communications.

Is this possible and has anyone else experienced something similar?


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: What does it mean when there is no campaign associated with activity

Good question!

"Campaign Name" is referring to a smart campaign. In the above log, the activity fills out form is an activity, so a smart campaign is not causing those actions. I can't see from the screen shot why the first name is changing, it could be salesforce related. If you paste more of the log we can probably find out.

If a smart campaign changes a data value, for example, updating a lead's status or assigning it to a user, then you will see a smart campaign there.

Hope that makes sense!

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: What does it mean when there is no campaign associated with activity

Hey Matt,

The cause of the Change Data Value is the form fillout as well:


The Filled Out Form activity may be considered to have completed after the data values are changed.

Not applicable

Re: What does it mean when there is no campaign associated with activity

Thank you, both for your replies.

The reason that I am considering these thoughts is because I am getting feedback from the sales field that the wrong leads are receiving emails.

I am presuming that this may have had something to do with this.

This may have been fixed and could be a legacy issue. As now we use a LP with JS that removes munchkin. This LP is used by sales people that register leads on their behalf. (Thanks Sanford Whiteman​ for assistance with this)

I just want to make sure that the issue is indeed legacy issues from before the fix.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: What does it mean when there is no campaign associated with activity

The reason that I am considering these thoughts is because I am getting feedback from the sales field that the wrong leads are receiving emails.

I am presuming that this may have had something to do with this.

This may have been fixed and could be a legacy issue. As now we use a LP with JS that removes munchkin. This LP is used by sales people that register leads on their behalf. (Thanks Sanford Whiteman for assistance with this)

If the WF-01-Registration form has the special anti-Munchkin JS, then I fear we're dealing with a present-tense problem. 

If it's an old form, then the old, unwanted behavior could continue (viz. sessions being associated with the last lead to fill out the form). 

Or is there possibly a misplaced trigger campaign out there that's pushing leads from a form in one program into a separate program (+ program status)?