Bonjour Thomas,
I checked the pages and the munchkin code is running OK.
To run the test from 0 :
Just a question : why are your Marketo Landing pages in domain while your corporate web site is ? This means you are loosing traffic between the 2 and the traffic on is never captured, unless you have some Marketo embedded forms on the web site, which does not seem to be the case.
You say these links are shown in the leads' Activity Logs. Can you provide a screenshot of the ActLog detail for a couple of those cases?
It is a no go... I will contact support right away.
For the LPs, it has been set like that because the objective was to follow leads on more than one domain :,
Hi Thomas,
You can setup Marketo so that the LP's show in every of these domains. That would be a much better choice, as for the moment, the munchkin on the .fr or .be sites is useless.
We operate out of France, so do not hesitate to contact me directly if you need some help.
Hi all,
I figured the problem out with support's help.
I'll share with you all for posterity Here is supports insights :
The Landing pages you are referring to are Marketo Landing pages.
Therefore, the Visit Web page Filter will not accept URLs as valid value, instead it will look at the title of the Landing page in Marketo. It only accepts a URL in the case of a non-marketo Landing page.
To explain further with an example:
‘’’’ will not be seen as a valid value for the Filter because it is a Marketo Landing page.
Instead it will look at ‘’WJ.2017-10.FR.diametres-nominaux.LP-Diametres.nominaux’’ as the valid value because that is the Landing page’s title in Marketo.
I had to change the smart list configuration to "Web page is" + Marketo Landing page's titles and it is working. It was not working with the "contains" filter.
Thank you for your help.
@Grégory : The alternative would be to add Marketo contact forms on our websites though, right ? What would be the best case scenario ? I'm guessing personnalization of LP domains + Marketo contact forms on every websites ?