Re: Webinars

Level 9 - Champion Alumni


We're looking at some of the other webinar providers out there. We've used WebEx and currently have GoTo. We want to make sure we're keeping our options open and need to ensure we're using one that integrates with Marketo. Does anyone have any feedback on any of the other webinar vendors out there? At the moment, our creative group is leaning towards Bright Talk simply for the ease of recording & posting, but I'm not sure how well they sync up with Marketo. 

Does anyone have any feedback on any of the vendors (Bright Talk, ON24, Adobe, etc.)?
Not applicable

Re: Webinars

Hi Amber
We've been using ReadyTalk for the past couple years and have been consistently happy with their service and their people. Great company to work with. I've been using the ReadyTalk adapter for Marketo since it was launched a few months ago and it also works well. Let me know if you have specific questions - be happy to help. I've used other providers in the past but definitely recommend ReadyTalk.
Not applicable

Re: Webinars

Hi Amber,

we're in the same boat and have tried lots of different suppliers. Most recently we've tried Webex and Adobe. I found Adobe slightly less intuitive then Webex, plus you have to pay for even the most basic package.

However, what I've found with ALL of them is that when you download your webinar recording and try and convert it to a file you can use, for example, on YouTube, the quality of the recording nosedives and the video and sound become out of sync.

We're also just about to try Ready Talk so it's great to hear you're so happy with their service Alisa.

Fingers crossed.

Good luck with your webinar hosting.
Level 2

Re: Webinars

Hi Amber,

We currently use GoTo and would classify it as OK most days and bad on a few days. We run 30ish Webinars a month and most go off without a hitch but occasionally issue will pop up. In the past month we have had the LaucnhPoint sync to GoTo mysteriously break, and had audio issues on GoTo's end. We don't have a problem 90% of the time but that 10% when something goes wrong can be very frustrating.

I have worked with Webex at another company and had a similar experience. Didn't experience many problems, but you are always kind of waiting for a random issue to pop-up. We are currenly taking a hard look at ON24 which seem impressive. We have some more in-depth demos coming up. I will try to update later with more info.

Good luck!

Level 9

Re: Webinars

Hi Amber & Cam,

Same here! Except we only run 1 per month. GoTo is pretty reliable for use, but there is the occasional audio breakdown. : /

Level 9

Re: Webinars

We currently use On24 for our webinars. Annually we are running about 150 webinars that are all connected with Marketo and Salesforce. From a Marketo aspect the webinar campaigns are created and synced to On24 which is great to automatically push whether they attended or no-show and trigger followups from that. The integration with Salesforce is great too, showing which webinars they attend and allowing followup from that insight. I was not on the team when implemented but I believe that went relatively smooth as well. Let me know if you have any questions or would like a deeper dive.

Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Webinars

Hi Amber,

I have experience with on24,, Adobe Connect.

Actually, each platform has pros and cons.

If you're taking about the webinar platform itself, on24 and Adobe has nice features and matured as the webinar platform.

But if you'd like to have rich integration with Markteo, it's more complected. all platform support basic integration such as push the registration and attendees by program status change at Market program. But, if you'd like to push more data such as Q&A, Poll etc, I recommend  you to talk with each vendor in details before you contract it. at least, it looks on24 doesn't have a smart solution officially.

