Re: Webhook Duplicate Request Issue

Level 2

Webhook Duplicate Request Issue

Hi Team,

I'm using webhook to invoke my api, but in few cases my api call twice & I don't see any logs for multiple call in lead activity.

Case 1:

Form submitted with valid request which call webhook (within invoking my api), included fallback string ({{some.token:default=edit me]}). Lead activity contains only one webhook call (valid input request) but api receive 2 request. i.e one with valid input (empty token are returned as empty string) & other one with input with fallback string (few empty token replaced with "edit me" string)

Case 2:

Form submitted with valid request which call webhook (within invoking my api), without fallback string in json. Lead activity contains only one webhook call (valid input request) but api receive 2 request. i.e both with valid input.

This issue occurs few times not during all the webhook call.

Does marketo contains any other log information to check why it sent more than one request for single webhook call?


Keerthana S

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Webhook Duplicate Request Issue

Can you delete your duplicate thread though?

Yes, I have seen this. Do you concur that the 2 requests have a different User-Agent?