What do you mean by "bundle" exactly?
All Marketo forms are either 1.0 or 2.0. 2.0 is the default for anything after -- well, a long time ago.
Sorry, I meant form editor 2.0. Unlike this picture shown here I do not have the option to open the 2.0 editor.
so I can't do much code editing other than CSS
Looks like you don't have permission to edit forms. You'll need to ask the admin who manages your Marketo instance.
but I was made an admin a few months ago, does that not include all parts of the application?
That's the way the New Form dialog is expected to look. Are you saying you can't edit the form after this?
While custom JS behaviors go outside the Form Editor anyway (preferably in an external .js file) it's not practical for you to build this form entirely in JS.
what I want to know is where are you putting this code? Are you embedding between script tags on a landing page, or somewhere on the form editor? If on the form editor, can you show where.
thanks again for your help
Custom form JS depends on the forms2.min.js file being loaded first.
Hence, on a 3rd-party site, you'd load custom JS right after the standard form embed code. On a Marketo LP with a named mktoForm element, you'd put your custom JS right before the closing </body> tag (because Marketo LPs will insert the forms2.min.js wherever in the body the form appears).
ah okay, thank you for clarifying, and my apologies if it was obvious. There is one final thing I'm not quite getting.
I am using a Marketo landing page and have included the script to match and consolidate the fields I want. Once that is set up however, where can I actually set up the conditional redirect?
I can't do it on the form itself because that field isn't created until the form is submitted. (I don't have the option to type in a field that isn't already on the form)
You add the field to the form as a Hidden field in Form Editor.
Bringing this back because I have another question about embedding these forms on a non-marketo landing page (our wordpress site). I would like to be able to preserve the hidden-field auto-fill based on fields. How would one include the MktoForms2.whenReady(function(form) function along with the embed code?