Re: leads.json returning 611

Level 1

URGENT: leads.json API endpoint returning 611

Hi Marketo Team,

We use Marketo REST APIs to fetch leads from our customers' Marketo instances into our backend on a daily basis. Today (Thursday 2022/11/10), around 6:30PM PST, we suddenly started seeing a lot of Error 611 responses across many of our customers' instances (more than 80).


Here's an example URL that's failing:<access_token>


And here's the response:

{"requestId":"929a#184657d2be4","success":false,"errors":[{"code":"611","message":"System error"}]}


Retrying doesn't seem to help, but after a while, with a slightly different payload, some of the calls are succeeding. Nothing has changed on our end on how we call these APIs recently. Also, only the `leads.json` endpoint is breaking. All others seem fine. Are you seeing any system issues?


EDIT: I'm now seeing a retry with the same URL, access token and payload succeeding.

Level 2

Re: leads.json returning 611

Same issue with our system also. We are getting 611 error  for many of the apis we are using on our instance and our client instances. The same request gets successful sometimes but intermittently throws 611 error.

Level 1

Re: leads.json returning 611

Same here

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: leads.json returning 611

Which data center is your instance housed in? We've ours in the SN-02 data center (Sydney, APAC) and we are not seeing any issues with the API calls. The Adobe system status also shows that all the Marketo Engage services in all the regions are up and there were no outages recently. Also, did you raise a support ticket?


Level 2

Re: leads.json returning 611

I had raised a support ticket but haven't got any response yet. Our sync lead api is still constantly failing. I don't know how to find the data center our instance is hosted in. If there is any way to find it out it would be helpful.

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: leads.json returning 611

Of course, go to Marketo Admin > My Account Tab in the left tree > You should see your data center under the Support Information on the right pane. Let me know if you've trouble finding it. Thank you!


Level 1
Level 1

Re: URGENT: leads.json API endpoint returning 611

We were experiencing the same thing.  Re-running our processes several times got all of our calls to complete & we didn't have to make any changes to payloads.  Looks like our data center is ab43, if that helps anyone.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: URGENT: leads.json API endpoint returning 611

This has been reported across a few clients today. Do make sure to open a Support case for anything like this once confirmed. The Nation is good for confirming bugs/outages but it doesn’t escalate anything internally!

Level 1

Re: URGENT: leads.json API endpoint returning 611

Same thing here (2022-11-24):


We are experiencing a high volume of 611 (System Error) responses from the campaign triggering API end point (e.g., /rest/v1/campaigns/63158/trigger.json).