Updating multiple hyperlinks

Level 3

Updating multiple hyperlinks

my webmaster just informed me that he had changed several urls that I had been using throughout many of my nurture campaigns. Other than going through and editing each one individually, does anyone know if MKTO has a feature to mass-update hyperlinks that are being used in multiple emails? I didn't find anything myself, but just checking to see if someone knew a secret. Would be a great feature to have if we don't already!

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Updating multiple hyperlinks

The secret is to use tokens for your URLs. Too late now of course.

If the URLs were for Marketo-hosted LPs, you could use Redirect Rules. But from your phrasing they're not under Marketo's control. So holler at your webmaster to create rewrite rules -- any webserver supports them.

Level 3

Re: Updating multiple hyperlinks

Thanks! Yes, much too late in this case. He did use many redirect rules, but in some cases he completely eliminated the pages.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Updating multiple hyperlinks

Well, if the pages are gone then search/replace wouldn't really work anyway! If you blanked out the URL only then you'd be left with a dead link. Though if all your links were Velocity-powered you could remove the <a> entirely.