Re: Unsubscribe Data Value did not change

Level 5

Unsubscribe Data Value did not change

I have a mass list upload from a previous source that we've used for sending emails
we already had those leads in Marketo, i just needed to mark them as unsubscribed

i selected those leads using filter email address is (i had only 400 of those) and set up a batch campaign 
change data value - unsubscribe - new value = true

the campaign ran, however, i still see those leads with an unsubscribe field = false
however, if i go to random lead details, i see that they are marked unsusbcribed, though nothing in the log details states the actual change of this value

now i'm worried whether marketo would know that these 400 leads are not to be sent emails to

how long does it take for Marketo to process this kind of information and update it?
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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Unsubscribe Data Value did not change

It is normally instant.

For a list upload where I know the values in advance, I always include the column. You can do this with

Unsubscribed | TRUE/FALSE or 0/1 or NULL=0