Re: TUTORIAL REQUEST: URL Parameters in visible fields and/or HTML

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Marketo Employee

TUTORIAL REQUEST: URL Parameters in visible fields and/or HTML

Hello all,

I'd like to build a confirmation page.  To do this, I have a link in an email.  They click on the link and it takes them to a page where it askes to confirm name and email (passed via parameters).

I've read through everything I can find on this site and none of the articles seem to work.  Does anyone have a working model they can share, or explain the process?
Robb Barrett
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Accepted Solutions
Level 10

Re: TUTORIAL REQUEST: URL Parameters in visible fields and/or HTML

Hey Robb,

I can't go through your whole page, but I tested out this simple example and it works fine:


Good luck!


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Level 10

Re: TUTORIAL REQUEST: URL Parameters in visible fields and/or HTML

First of all, it's not good to pass PII like email address in parameters. I strongly discourage you from going that route. If the leads are already known leads in Marketo with first/last name and email address, when they click on a link within an email, they'll reach a landing page that includes the mkt_tok in the query string. Your landing page can show them these lead attributes anywhere on your page if you use tokens. 

See this:
Marketo Employee

Re: TUTORIAL REQUEST: URL Parameters in visible fields and/or HTML

Yeah, you've got it wrong.  This is a different type of information, not the lead information.  I understand the risk of PII and in this case it's acceptable.

Can you help me understand how to get that info on the page?
Robb Barrett
Level 10

Re: TUTORIAL REQUEST: URL Parameters in visible fields and/or HTML

Maybe I misunderstand your use case. Your original post said first name and email address (PII) were to be passed in the link as parameters...

As for how to achieve this safely in Marketo, see the above article. It describes exactly how to show a lead's first name (and any other attribute) on a Marketo landing page, which they would reach by clicking a link in one of your confirmation emails. 
Marketo Employee

Re: TUTORIAL REQUEST: URL Parameters in visible fields and/or HTML

Thank you for the replies.  Sorry that I've been vague.

No, I don't want a token.  This is new info not already in Marketo.

OK, let's draw this out.  You click on a link in an email with my name.  The URL is

Now you get to a page that says: "You selected Robbco.  Please click Confirm to send a note to"

they click the Accept button and Robbco is writen to CPSRefSiteName and is written in CPSRefSiteEmail
Robb Barrett
Level 10

Re: TUTORIAL REQUEST: URL Parameters in visible fields and/or HTML

You can use a Forms 2.0 form on this confirmation page and include CPSRefSiteName and CPSRefSiteEmail as hidden fields. You can then dynamically set those hidden fields via Forms 2.0 (see and also show a string that says " You selected <name>. Please click Confirm to send a note to <email>." When they submit the form, those fields will be stored in Marketo. 
Marketo Employee

Re: TUTORIAL REQUEST: URL Parameters in visible fields and/or HTML

OK, so how do I show that <name> field? That's the part I can't figure out.
Robb Barrett
Level 10

Re: TUTORIAL REQUEST: URL Parameters in visible fields and/or HTML

Just add a simple JavaScript function on your page and call it when the page loads to grab it from the query string and display it in a string above the form.

function getParameterByName(name) {
    name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");
    var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"),
        results = regex.exec(;
    return results == null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
Not applicable

Re: TUTORIAL REQUEST: URL Parameters in visible fields and/or HTML

if (/[?&]CPSRefSiteName=/.test(location.href)){
} else {
$("#sitename").text('Fallback Text'); }

if (/[?&]CPSRefSiteEmail=/.test(location.href)){
} else {
$("#siteemail").text('Fallback Text'); }

<p>You selected <span id="sitename"></span>. Please click Confirm to send a note to <span id="siteemail">.</p>

Try this... btw replace $ with whatever your jQuery variable is (maybe jQ).
Marketo Employee

Re: TUTORIAL REQUEST: URL Parameters in visible fields and/or HTML

Jason and Justin, neither of those methods work.

Here's the page.
Robb Barrett