Re: Trying to create iFrame Form

Level 1

Trying to create iFrame Form

Trying to create an iFrame form. Adding form to a landing page and overlaying HTML/CSS. Form is to act as a pop-up and landing page URL with form will be added to our CMS system Umbraco. Need help as form fields not syncing to Marketo.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Trying to create iFrame Form

You need to provide more info: a demo URL, everything you've currently tried, and the expected vs. actual results.

Also, technically, there's no such thing as an "Iframe form." LPs (full HTML documents) are used in Iframes. That LP can contain a form but the form need not have any awareness that it's not on a regular LP.

I also need to ask why you're not using the Forms 2.0 embed code, which is highly recommended over Iframe+LP+form.

Level 3

Re: Trying to create iFrame Form

Hi - I have a similar question, we are looking to use a MKTO LP in an iFrame within "Unbounce" so the form can be pre-filled.  Are you implying that this method is not possible with Forms 2.0, but that the form should in fact pre-fill anyway?  If it will not, can you suggest a workaround?  Thanks.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Trying to create iFrame Form

I didn't say anything about Pre-Fill either way.

You can embed a Marketo LP as in IFRAME inside an Unbounce LP, if that's the way you want to go.

An embedded Forms 2.0 form without any other enhancements will not Pre-Fill.  If you want Pre-Fill in an Unbounce, you don't actually need a Marketo form at all, but you do need some development to Pre-Fill the Unbounce native form.

Level 3

Re: Trying to create iFrame Form

That's great info, thank you! Do you have a link to any information about what kind of development is required for the pre-fill from Marketo in the native Unbounce form - our colleagues who manage that tool are struggling to integrate a form which pre-fills from Marketo by IFRAME or otherwise, so any details you may be able to supply would be great!
Thanks again!

Level 3

Re: Trying to create iFrame Form

Hi Sanford - just wondered if you were able to provide any additional info as per my reply?  Thanks.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Trying to create iFrame Form

It's too much to go into here (we're talking about quite complex code, although it is only ~100 lines once tightened up). It will eventually be on my blog.

Level 2

Re: Trying to create iFrame Form

Were you ever able to figure out your embed problem with Umbraco. We have an agency that just built our website and put our forms in an iframe which is totally the wrong way to do it and we told them not to. They said its cause we didn't know how to create a followup message with out it being in an iframe (they didn't read the doc i sent them at developers.marketo). I think it might be a limitation of the CMS. Anyway wondering what your solution was.



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Trying to create iFrame Form

They said its cause we didn't know how to create a followup message with out it being in an iframe (they didn't read the doc i sent them at developers.marketo)

If they don't read the docs, they aren't really qualified to answer.

Simply catching the onSuccess event from the Marketo form allows you do anything you want: stay on the page and print the form fields, redirect to a Thank You page, display a follow-up message on the same page, anything.

Level 2

Re: Trying to create iFrame Form

I'm sent them the docs but I don't think they were ever passed off to their developer.

I have a call with their dev to figure out why they really went through rout but wanted to see if Danielle had a different solution.

Have you used Umbraco before?