Re: Trigger for multiple web page visits

Level 3

Trigger for multiple web page visits


We have a campaign with 22 specific web pages, and I'm trying to set up an alert for when someone visits 3 of them. What would be the best way to do this? Set up a scoring system with a custom field?

Also, is there a way to put in which pages were visited in the alert email?


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Trigger for multiple web page visits

 Also, is there a way to put in which pages were visited in the alert email?

If you append {{Trigger.Web Page}} to a custom TextArea field and then send that field, yes. You can't just send {{Trigger.Web Page]} b/c that'll only be the most recent pageview.

Level 3

Re: Trigger for multiple web page visits

Hi Sanford,

I just want to make sure I'm interpreting that correctly. So I would create a custom TextArea field and set up a flow step to populate it with {{Trigger.Web Page}}?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Trigger for multiple web page visits

Yep, a Change Data Value flow step. You would set the value to

   {{Lead.YourTextAreaWebPageHistoryField}}{{Trigger.Web Page}}

Most likely you want a line break token in-between. Search for my old post on that.

Level 3

Re: Trigger for multiple web page visits

Found it, thanks!

Level 3

Re: Trigger for multiple web page visits

I followed your {{my.linebreak}} tutorial but in the comments it's mentioned that won't work when pulling the history field into an alert email? You replied:

"You could add both the {{my.linebreak}} and a 
if you want"

but I'm confused as to where exactly you mean to do this? In the Change Data Value flow step? So it would be:

{{Lead.YourTextAreaWebPageHistoryField}} {{my.linebreak}}

{{Trigger.Web Page}}?